Vi vet at for mange er det å sitte å loggføre i journal ikke det man gleder seg til mest når man skal på jobb. Derfor har vi automatisert prosessen. Spar tid og bruk tiden din på det som er mest viktig for din virksomhet. Det er det vi i K2 gjør: effektiviserer prosesser i virksomheten din ved bruk av smarte og innovative løsninger.
In 2021, we have had good growth in the number of customers of K2’s Journal software. The program is widespread throughout the country and in record time has become K2’s largest product!
When creating a journal, Multipack Journal retrieves all transactions from:
-Weight journal from weigh-in
-End of note
-Export directly from order and dispatch system
This means that the only thing you need to record is movements that are not captured by these systems.
The Landing Regulations of 6 May 2014, made it mandatory to log all transactions from reception, production, and warehouse. Multipack Journal is recommended by the Directorate of Fisheries.